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Noua carte de vizită a diplomației de marcă din China. Soțiile trimisilor din 30 de țări în China laudă foarte mult

  Pe 30 octombrie, seria de activități din Carnavalul de schimb cultural din 2024 pentru soțiile trimisilor în China cu tema „O viață frumoasă, admirată de lume” deschisă la Beijing. Soțiile de trimis din mai mult de 30 de țări, inclusiv Mexic, Ecuador, Egipt și Namibia, au participat la eveniment în rochie completă. This activity not only showcases the beauty of cross-border cultural exchanges but also serves as a stage to jointly appreciate Chinese culture and promote national characteristics. As the officially designated partner, Forthing stands out with its excellent Chinese luxury product experience, highlighting the charm of the East and becoming a new business card of China's brand diplomacy.""""


The themed sofa forum also witnessed intense ideological collisions and discussions, exploring the diversity of life from the perspectives of technology, art, and environmental protection. Printre ele, realizările lui Forthing în domeniul noilor tehnologii energetice au inspirat întreaga audiență. Since the Dongfeng Group has focused on the goals of “three leaps and one innovation”, it has led Forthing to accelerate the processes of new energy, intelligence, and internationalization. Forthing is focusing on the parallel development of commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles, and has made major breakthroughs in new energy architectures, batteries, and hybrid systems. De asemenea, depune toate eforturile pentru a construi un nou ecosistem energetic și aspect de peste mări.""

Pan Hui, the product director of Forthing, said that Forthing adheres to the concept of open cooperation and joins hands with all parties to explore the path of sustainable development of the automotive industry and promote the transformation of the global automotive industry. În același timp, acordă atenție operațiunilor localizate pentru a face ca un pod care leagă o viață frumoasă în întreaga lume.


Web: https://www.forthingmotor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com;   dflqali@dflzm.com
Telefon: +8618177244813 ; +15277162004
Adresa: 286, Avenue Pingshan, Liuzhou, Guangxi, China

Timpul post: 01-2024 nov